Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Wash Your Hair Properly

Wash Your Hair Properly
How to Wash Your Hair correct
1. The key lies in the healthy hair hygiene schedule kepala.Tentukan skin wash wash rambut.Tentukan schedule rambut.Tentang adjust how often to wash your hair with greasy hair type needs rambut.Untuk wash more often to prevent dry hair lengket.Untuk vice versa because if too frequent causes of oil scalp naturally eroded.
2. Use a shampoo that matches the type rambut.pilihlah separate shampoo from conditioner because your hair needs for each berbeda.Conditioner often called hair softener because its function soften, protect hair from the sun and the hair easier to manage.
3. Using too much shampoo when washing your hair is not the right way to get enough foam to make hair shampoo bersih.Caranya pour just enough on your palm, mix with a little water, and Dab on the scalp surface evenly
4. Rub the scalp with fingers (not nails), and then rinse really bersih.Shampo that are left will leave white flakes like dandruff.

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