Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Health Tips for maintaining healthy skin

In general, both women and men should keep his skin from a variety of disorders.
Action needs to be done is
1. Wash hands thoroughly before touching your face
2. Do cleansng facial skin in the morning and night, night dtekankan though you did not makeup, face easily spotted because of pollution, and in the morning because your skin grease and dirt at night.
3. At night take a moment to massage the skin to stimulate the exchange sirkkulasi cells in kulit.pijatan gently for 2 minutes to eliminate fatigue, relaxing face and give the brightness of the skin.
4. Protect your skin properly let alone you're traveling.
5. Multiply drinking water.
Baca secara fonetik


Each skin type requires different treatment-beda.Berikut some skin types are known;
1. Normal Skin
@-T Usually area (such as forehead, nose and chin), producing excess oil, pore-poripun larger than the other faces.
@ - After facial cleaning, skin will feel taut cheeks.
@-Wrinkles often get older there will be around the eyes, forehead, and upper bibir.mudah @-flammable skin sunburn, so it looks reddish or brownish.
2. Oily Skin
@-General have large pores and blackheads.
@-Skin makeup face looks shiny and easy to wear off.
@-Wrinkle face slower than other skin types.
3. Dry Skin
@-Easy to peel and burn if exposed to the sun.
@ Cold-air easily irritated or itching.
@-T Area as scaly and sometimes facial skin feels tight after cleaning.
@ Faster-Wrinkles appear not only on the face, but also on other body skin.
4. Sensitive Skin
@ - Easily irritated if you get certain cosmetics or exposed to sunlight exposure.
@ - Skin is generally dry and very thin impressed.
@ - The skin will feel tight right after cleaning.
If your skin type is identified, it will be easy to determine the makeup and how merawatnya.semoga successful and fascinating look.

HAIR dandruff WHO FEAR

How do I treat dandruff hair is good and right;
1. Wash with a shampoo specially formulated for hair that is dandruff shampoo antidandruf
2. Do not scratch the head with a nail while shampooing karna can cause flaky scalp, thereby increasing the quantity of new dandruff, but quite digososk with your palms.
3. Change the mindset that desdruktif (damage), and avoid thinking too much because stress can disrupt the body's metabolic processes that can cause dandruff.
4. Reduce the use of any shampoo or conditioner at all do not menggunakannya.Tetapi if your hair is dry then you should continue using current conditioner.
5. Rinse your hair thoroughly after shampooing, because chemicals that are still lagging behind the head other than the skin can aggravate dandruff can also cause irritation and even hair loss.
6. If you have not had enough, could also be added disalon who has a hair care treatments and hairspa.
Thus some way of treating dandruff hair, may be useful.

Baca secara fonetik


Dry-looking skin can sometimes be up to look like rust can be caused by several factors terseringnya hal.Salah one is the exposure of the cold air, either from weather or from the air that always hits the skin.
Smooth skin always looks smooth, soft, also free from problems or skin disorders such as acne, and chapped skin.
Some of these tips you can possibly try to prevent dry skin.
1. Do not clean the skin or membilasnya.Bila often we are too often so much less use of soap, the skin will lose its natural moisture, so the skin becomes dry easily.
2. Use a moisturizer every hari.Bila your skin is sensitive, use a moisturizer that does not contain perfumes or lanolin.Untuk normal to dry skin, use a moisturizing cream.
3. Avoid very cold air that can be dry skin
4. Exercise about 30 minutes 3 times a week in addition to making healthy will also make the skin look fresh
5. Use sunscreen when in the open air, use a sunscreen that has SPF of at least 15
6. Expand drink about 2-3 liters per day will make your skin is not dull.
So a few tips that should be practiced.
If in ways still visible above the skin is dry, we suggest you contact a dermatologist.

Understanding how to care crown

Some things to note for our hair does not easily fall apart and always looks beautiful bercahaya.Beberapa you need to avoid that is;
1. Shampooing every day
The experts recommend shampooing two or three days, if we need the freshness of cold water spray only your kekepala and dry with a dryer.
2. Always tie a ponytail in the same place
Use elastic strap to reduce hair damage and hair strands that are often tied to experience pematahan.Karna process, to replace the bond area.
3. Excessive hair brushing
All it takes is a few times a sweep transform and shape the hair and refreshing natural oils from the hair root Valentine.
4. Do blow dry your hair while still wet
It makes your hair unruly but also pemansannya make rambut.Blow damage the hair dryer should be used on a damp, not soaking wet and wear at most 20 minutes.
5. Using the wrong comb
Comb the wrong not only mess up your hair style also can break the long rambut.Semakin comb hair more wide diameter and to create hair volume and use a round brush to smooth hair use a regular comb.
6. Covering dandruff instead cover
Covering the skin with a moisturizer such as dandruff are only sementara.Ketombe pomade is a disease associated with inflammation of the head kekeringan.Obatnya try salycil acid shampoo containing zinc, selenium sulfate, and tar to reduce dandruff.